Saturday, April 14, 2007

Why all of these Poetry Projects

I have 3 poetry projects in the works: Cookie Empress Cookies, which I started in February 2006. Once I draft 200 poems, then I'll start to edit it. Also, there's 200 Journeys (formerly 200 hours) which I started a couple weeks ago. Today, I started another one, M&M Poetry, which is poetry I draft at Mark's Kitchen in Takoma Park, Maryland, and Mayorca Cafe which is in Silver Spring, Maryland. Cookie Empress cookies I started a while ago. There are many reasons it is a good thing; if I bake a batch of cookies, that means many other people are going to be offered a gift of food. When I write about the experience as the cookies bake then it becomes even more artistic then the art involved in baking. I was going to use the drafts as potential poems I would include in a Yale Series of Younger Poets competition. Since I have blogs, and I can publish my own work, I'm less inclined to stress myself out about that competition. This would have been my last year to do it.

However, the other two projects I drafted recently, and this morning, I figured out why - I ran out of yarn. If I had yarn to knit Chrismas gifts I wouldn't be wandering in my mind finding a stake to hold on to. A project to manage. I love to manage projects. Walking, eating, writing are right up my alley so I don't expect them to be forgotten once the yarn I ordered and the needles I ordered come in, but it's amazing. I need a purpose.

I really need to work on my haiku :)

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